Monday, May 11, 2009

My own hand...........

So, I have read and been told about some designers and copyright issues. I am all for people using Commercial use actions and templates. But isn't this the risk you would take. How can you be 100% sure that you are buying a legit item. Yes they look pretty. They look perfect. They are easy. But I won't get them. I want my designs to be unique. I don't want everyone to look at a page kit I put out and say they know where I got this action from, or they have seen that template before.

So yeah, at the moment, my bows are pretty sad. Some of my elements need work. But they are mine. Not just made with a push of the button. And if it takes me forever...I WILL get bows right. They are the most frustrating thing to make.

Just my 2 cents worth. Just had to get it out there. :)

Nuthouse Specials

Come over and visit us at Nuthouse scraps. See attached ad:

Sorry it is a linkie. I have limited knowledge on how to actually get the ad onto the blog.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

digital scrapbooking freebie

Here is a kit I made called Birthday Bash. You can find the link here:
Well, I signed up for And I am so excited to say that my freebie was onthe site and some of you guys downloaded it. wow. It gave me the biggest confidence boost that you beleive it was good enough to download. Thank you so much. xxxxxxxxx

So I totally need to get a new freebie organised. I'll go see what I have in my stash.. ;)

Monday, April 20, 2009

digital scrapbooking freebie

Here is a freebie for ya. Serenity Blue Page Kit. Hope you enjoy using it.
Here is the download link:

I'm back

Things have been a little crazy. Like right now, my darling baby boy has Bronchiolitis. I had to hire a nebuliser. Poor baby. He is heaps better now compared to what he that is a good thing. Hope everyone had a great Easter. We went down and stayed at Nan's place. It is this small 1 br cottage that is right near the beach and it fit the five of us, mum and dad and my brother. Talk about using all the floor space.

On the scrapping front, I am slowly getting this album done for J and K. The wedding photos look great, if I do say so myself. I need to think more about composition in some I have been too close to one edge or I have someones arm in the way...but on the whole I am getting there. Mind you I am in no way wanting to become professional...just take great shots.

On the designing front I am slowly learning and getting there too. I am very pleased to announce that I have been given an AMAZING opportunity. I have been appointed as an Elements Team member at . I get to learn this wonderful craft under their guidance and will one day be able to become one of their designers!! I am so grateful to my mate Deb who pointed the nuts in my direction. Now I just have to prove myself. And it is scary and exciting and daunting all in the one

Soooo, I will post another of my past kits in a sec...just got to find it. I know they are not perfect...but hey it is free. Enjoy

And don't forget to check out


Saturday, March 21, 2009


Well I finally got the time to actually make this blog look half decent. A HUGE thanks to Nicole Young for her instructions...else it would still look the same. This design is thanks to my Shabby Romance kit. I will put it up as a freebie in the next month or so. I have to leave it for SNL (Saturday Night Live) members for at least a month or two. They all work hard and make amazing stuff. Anyone can come and play. We are at

Love to see you there.

Be back later with some stuff. :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

digital scrapbooking freebie

Ok. So I told you I'd be back. This was a kit I made for a contest at Digital Scrapbook Place. It is just sitting on my hard what better way to kick things off than to share this. Hope you like it and I'd love to hear if you do. It only takes a sec while it is downloading...:)

Here I am

Well. I have gone and done it now. I created a blog. I swore I wouldn't. I guess that shows how strong I actually am.

This is going to be my place to practice my scrap skills. I am new. I will practice and we all know that Practice makes perfect. Right? So I will place my creations for you to take and use if you want them. I'd so appreciate a comment if you like them. Or even just to say hi , so I know I am not talking to myself.

I'll be back real soon with my first upload.

Ciao for now